We are all time poor and struggle to find time to exercise even though we ALL understand the importance of physical activity on our physical and mental health. Today I will be giving you 4 simple actionable tips to get started. You will feel so empowered that you WILL start moving more this week, maybe even today!
Time is our most valuable commodity:
our time is finite, we cannot make more or get it back (though we can leverage our time)
we want time to spend our energy how we want to
investing in your health, gives you more time with people you love
The pandemic has change all our lives and not necessarily for the better; people are working longer hours and there is an urgency in all we do in an attempt to make up for 'lost time'.
TIP 1: Shrink the Goal
So you want to start exercising or being active but have the belief that for it to be worthwhile, you have to exercise for a long time. I challenge this. 1 minute is better than 0 minutes, 3 minutes is better that no minutes.
Think about how much time you can realistically spending being active in your typical week. If it's a 2x5 minute walk a week, go for it.
If you can stick to something for 2 weeks, you will then have the confidence and belief that you CAN move more. From here you can start and scale up; add another 5 minutes, or add an extra day.
TIP 2: Restructure and Rethink
You are going to have to take an objective look at your week, do an audit of how you spend your time. If you haven't made time to be active, you're going to have to take some time back from something else you do in the week. Maybe you put a time limit on how long you spend on social media on certain days to give you time to move.
Is there a way you can rethink how you use your time, for example you love reading - you could listen to an audiobook whilst you walk? If you wanted to see your friend - look at something active to do together like a fitness class, a fun run or walk, or simply grab a coffee and go for a walk together.
TIP 3: Have a Clear Focus
Motivation and enthusiasm are like the weather - changeable, in order to keep moving you need to have a clear vision as to why you want to move more; is it to improve you mental wellbeing, to improve the distance you can walk so you can do a charity walk, everyones reason for doing something is different, but it's important you know your vision..
BONUS TIP: Record your achievements accurately, focus on habit change so maybe you record how many sessions you do or how many walks you go on and promise yourself a reward at certain milestones. Definitely reward your first step in taking action!
If using solely using weight to measure success - you're going to be disappointed, it fluctuates so much as is discussed in my TeamTalk: What The Scales Don't Say.
TIP 4: Start Doing
There will be no perfect time to start doing something, there will always be obstacles and other priorities. Look for the opportunity not the obstacles.
Don't aim for perfection, aim for better than.
Grab your diary or calendar, look at your week and set a time for you to get moving because you are important and worthy of investing that time in your health and wellbeing. Take that first step, who knows where this journey will lead!